A space to meet, work, innovate, connect and live in Riba-roja d'Ebre.

1. Space

Workplaces with ergonomic chair, mailbox option and storage space with key.

2. Network

High-speed WIFI internet connection (Fiber optic).

3. Services

Meeting and video conference room, projector, multi-function color laser printer and shared large format printer. 24/7 access for associated coworkers.

4. Slow Living & Work

If you like tranquility and quality of life, enjoy your free time, contact with nature, savor quality local products, enjoy traditions, culture and heritage...

Check out our plans

Contact us for occasional bookings or if you have any questions.
/ Day
Lloc de treball segons disponibilitat
Impressions i fotocòpies a preus reduïts
Reserva de sala de reunions a preu reduït
Accés en horari laborable (consultar)
/ Month
Tots els serveis de la tarifa flexible
Lloc de treball fixe
Accés a l'espai 24/7
Bústia *
Guixeta *
* Segons disponiblitat
Tots els serveis de les tarifes fixa i flexible
Impressions i fotocòpies a preus reduïts
Reserva gratuïta de sala de reunions
Formar part del procés de presa de decisions de l'associació
* Consultar condicions


Here you will find the opinions of our coworkers and visitors.

Toni Lanzas

IT Technician

Rural co-working space with meeting room and an excellent co-worker community.

Jordi Arrufat

Project Manager - DIPLOCAT

We need more spaces like this, in rural areas far from large urban centers and affordable prices. In addition, the town has its charm, many people speak English and its streets smelled of cakes today.

Marina Masip

Child psychologist

It's been just two years since I started working as a coworker in Zona Líquida and I think it's been one of the best decisions I've been able to make so far.