Welcome to Catalonia's first rural coworking space.
Coworking Zona Líquida
Zona Líquida, the first rural co-working space in Catalonia, was created in 2013 at the initiative of the Riba-roja d'Ebre Town Council, with the support of the Consorci Intercomarcal d'Iniciatives Socioeconòmiques (CIS). Zona Líquida is also the first publicly owned coworking space but managed by the users themselves, grouped together since 2019 in the Zona Líquida Coworkers Association, thus making the revitalization and management of Zona Líquida one of their common projects. At Zona Líquida we want to be a point of reference for all those interested in developing their projects in the rural area and foster the necessary synergies as a mechanism for economic dynamism and talent retention.
Advantages of the Zona Líquida project
A community of professionals at your fingertips
The Zona Líquida community is made up of professionals from many different areas, such as IT, environmental, technical engineering, legal advice, psychology, designers, artists, etc. which not only provide service to the municipality but many of them develop projects outside Catalonia. Also part of Zona Líquida are associations rooted in the municipality, professionals from various sectors who work remotely and even people who have found in Zona Líquida the ideal space to prepare for their exams and final projects.
Coworkers @ The Big Xarxa
Zona Líquida is part of <b>Cowocat Rural</b>, a <b>LEADER</b> cooperation project born from Zona Líquida's pilot experience with a network of more than twenty rural coworking spaces.</p>
<p>Zona líquida and Cowocat Rural are part of<b>Cowocat</b>, an association of coworking spaces in Catalonia, expanding the network of spaces and the community of professionals and entrepreneurs.</p>
<p>One of the rural Cowocat projects is the<b>Rural Pass</b>, which encourages the mobility of different professionals and entrepreneurs between the various spaces in the network and friendly urban spaces. -
Slow Living & Work
If you like tranquility and quality of life.</p>
<p>If you like to enjoy your free time.</p>
<p>If you enjoy contact with nature.</p>
<p>If you like to taste quality local products.</p>
<p>If you want to enjoy the traditions, culture and heritage and more.</p>
<p>We are waiting for you in Zona Líquida, you decide... and you can't miss our <i>divermuts</i>.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations in 2015 provides a shared roadmap for achieving peace and prosperity for people and the planet. Its central axis is constituted by 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with which it is intended to face and manage global challenges such as the eradication of poverty and hunger, ensuring accessible and quality education, gender equality, decent work or the fight against climate change. In addition, 169 concrete and measurable goals break down the different SDGs and allow you to move from commitment to action.
The Zona Líquida Coworkers Association, aware of the importance of achieving these SDGs through the transition to a more sustainable development model, contributes to this end directly and also supports the actions of other agents involved such as apart from the commitment to positively impact society.
We are therefore committed to promoting the objectives of the 2030 Agenda and the 17 SDGs, emphasizing those related to the objective for which the association was created, because it is the SDGs on which we can have the most impact. Specifically, the association will especially focus its efforts on the creation and consolidation of resilient infrastructures that support and facilitate access to employment in rural areas as well as the retention of talent that can be a source of innovation (SDG 9). The promotion of coworking and telecommuting as a means of providing decent employment in a rural environment facilitating local economic growth (SDG 8). It will also develop actions to guarantee inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote learning opportunities (SDG 4). To achieve the goals established by the association, and to achieve a greater commitment to society, alliances will be made with the different agents involved in the achievement of our goals (administration, local, national and international associations) (ODS 17).